Taqwa Marriage is a Muslim Matrimonial website with a difference!
It facilitates matrimonial relations based on Islamic principles only.
We envision a society where Quran and Sunnah form the basis of our decision-making in marriages, be it for ourselves or for our loved ones.
Taqwa Marriage believes: -
1. That there is large section amongst the Muslims saddened by the utter disregard of Islamic principles in marriages.
2. That a large section wants to adhere to what Allah and His Prophet (saw) has ordered.
3. That with concerted efforts, a positive change can be effected.For this,
Taqwa Marriage seeks to: -
1. Establish a data base of prospective grooms and brides searching for partners.
2. Educate people on the teachings of Islam on marriage.
3. Encourage people to give up un-Islamic customs and traditions that have crept into the pious institution of marriage.
Please read the Terms and Conditions carefully before registering. हिंदी में पढ़े TaqwaMarriage.com welcomes you on its website which has been set up to act as a platform for Taqwa minded families, boys and girls who are interested in re-establishing the I
Marriage is a sign of Allah
“And of His signs is that He created for you from yourself mates that you may find tranquility in them; and He placed between you affection and mercy. Indeed in that are signs for people who give thought.” (Sura Rum, Ayat-21)